3D Printer Technologies: Will CLIP Rule the World?

As 3D printing has become more popularized, development of various 3D printing technologies and new techniques have started to make headway. The wide variety of 3D printers and printing technologies expresses the booming interest and development of the 3D printing industry. The question is, what technologies are out there, who’s at the forefront of 3D printing innovation, and where are we headed for the future of 3D printing?

3D Printing Technologies

Let’s start with what exactly 3D printing is and how it works. In summary, 3D printing is the process of turning digital 3D models into physical, 3D objects.

When it comes to 3D printing technologies, there is no shortage of options, which can make it easy to find one that fits your exact needs. No matter what 3D printing technology you may use, the goal of each is the same, to make life easier and, for most, more interesting.

All techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages and offer different results so you can really tailor your 3D printing experience by determining the results you require, your funds available, and your time constraints. Knowing which printer technology works best for your intended needs is the best place to start for those in the market for a 3D printer.

Some examples of the most common 3D printing technologies are as follows:

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Technology

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology uses thermoplastic filament that is delivered from a filament coil into the machine via a moving, heated extruder head. The filament is then distributed first on the printer build plate and then layer after layer over top of itself.

FDM is the most commonly used method in 3D printers. A great side-effect of this being the most popular technology in the commercial 3D printing industry is that the printers tend to have lower costs than other 3D printing technologies. Due to the variety of 3D printer options and lower costs, FDM printers are an excellent option for someone just getting into 3D printing, or who may not require production-quality printed objects.

The first disadvantage of FDM printers is that they are typically not used to create production-grade products. While 3D printing filament can come in various qualities, the fact that FDM 3D printers print layer by layer means that the finished product is likely not sturdy enough to be used in production.

The second disadvantage of FDM printers is that it can take a very long time to complete a print. Timing is variable based upon the size of the item you are printing, your printer settings, and the printer you are using; however, if you’re wanting a finished product that is of good quality, the print could take tens of hours, even days.

The good news is that the long print time may not be a disadvantage for the 3D printing hobbyist who may not be concerned with printing ultra-high-quality objects or who may not mind waiting the time it might take to print a 3D gadget here and there.

Where the timing becomes a major drawback is for companies that use 3D printing for prototyping materials that require high-quality prints to do their work, where the print hours could reach well into the double-digits.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Technology

SLS is a technique that uses a laser to sinter powdered material that is deposited on the build plate. The heat caused by the laser binds the material together to create a solid structure. As the powdered material, such as nylon, solidifies, the build plate lowers, more material is deposited over the layer, and the process repeats.

The benefit of SLS printing technology is that the final printed objects may be durable enough to be used in production.

For the 3D printer hobbyist, the significant shortcoming of SLS printers is that they are large and expensive. There are not many consumer-minded SLS printers currently available, however, if the demand for 3D printers continues to grow, that may change in the near future.


The photopolymerisation printing technique uses UV light to solidify select parts of photosensitive resin to create a solid, 3D printed object.

A great example of recent innovation in 3D printing technologies using the photopolymerisation technique is “The Replicator.”

This recently developed printer uses photosensitive resin and uses a projector to shine UV light in the shape of the desired object into the resin. The resin then solidifies into the desired shape. The excess resin, having not been targeted by the UV light, remains liquid and can be poured away.

The benefit of such a method is mainly durability. As the product is created in a solid piece, rather than in layers, it can be quite durable. Additionally, The Replicator can be considered a more functional printer as it has the capability of building around other objects so that you can have more flexibility to add on to existing items.

Similar to the The Replicator, the company Carbon is developing an innovative printing method, referred to as CLIP, to create durable, production-quality 3D printed objects.

Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP)

CLIP 3D Printing

Continuous Liquid Interface Production, more commonly referred to as CLIP, is similar to the technology used in The Replicator as CLIP prints using liquid resin and UV light.

The print is created by projecting a 3D model cross-section into the liquid resin. The build plate begins within the liquid resin and slowly rises with the emerging print. UV light is shone on the build as it emerges to solidify the resin. After the print is complete, the printed product is washed and baked to further solidify the structure.

CLIP is currently being cultivated by the company Carbon, which proclaims that the CLIP method will eliminate the drawbacks of traditional 3D printing methods.

Given the nature of CLIP printing materials continuously, rather than in small layers, the build time is significantly shorter than that of other printing technologies. In addition, as the printed products are solid pieces of resin, rather than layers of thin plastic, the final printed objects could potentially be used in production, depending on the type of resin used in the print.

Another benefit of CLIP technology is that it can print much quicker than an FDM 3D printer. Times vary, depending on what object is being printed, however, it is estimated to be nearly 100 times faster than FDM 3D printers.

The Future of CLIP 3D Printing

Continuous Liquid Interface Production may not have the sexiest ring to it, but don’t be fooled, this innovative technology may very well be a game-changer for the future of 3D printing in multiple facets, whether it be production 3D printing or the at-home 3D printing experience.

The developers of CLIP have an ambitious vision for the future of their technology; they envision “a future fabricated with light, where traceable, final-quality parts are produced at scale with CLIP technology” (https://www.carbon3d.com/about/). Carbon has already seen their vision coming to fruition by working with companies such as Adidas and Vitamix.

Will CLIP rule the world of 3D printing in the future? It’s hard to say. But, given the advances Carbon is making and the successes they have shared so far, it’s safe to say we haven’t even seen the start of what CLIP can do and the future of 3D printing is open to endless possibilities.